Monday, December 17, 2007

How to undo a bra with one hand

My father loves a good read and couldn't resist opening a Christmas present early as he could feel it was a book. He grunted when he saw the title "Man Skills, a training manual for men" and left it on the sideboard.

I couldn't help having a look and roared with laughter at some of the 'How to' chapters, in particular, "How to undo a bra with one hand" in 3 steps together with diagrams.

This then became my subject of research for today. Putting the search term 'how to undo bra' into Google indicated there were almost 350,000 entries.

The first interesting item I came across was from the British Medical Journal which reported stuffily "In a brave effort to reduce finger injuries, one orthopaedic surgeon says that men should spend more time learning how to undo bra straps safely. After repairing a fractured left middle finger and ruptured radial collateral ligament sustained by complex bra ­removing activity (and since as many as 40% of young men have such problems) the surgeon says that patient education on the mechanism of external female mammary support could prevent such injuries in the future (British Journal of Plastic Surgery 2002;55:179­80)"

There are many training films around. This one from YouTube provides a very succinct demonstration even with slow motion play back.

There is quite a hilarious video on the apt-named

There are even bra undoing contests with this guy on taking the biscuit - 6 girls bras in 6 seconds flat!

A more detailed explanation is offered by offering an 8 step guide together with a list of 'dos' and 'donts', 'warnings' and some 'hot tips'.

The intricacies of the hook and eye are explained in fine detail.

For those that need demonstrations but don't have a live model to practice with, there are even bre-undoing machines that can be used for educational purposes.

See the Bra Trainer in action on

On Yahoo Answers the question was posed 'Girls, can your boyfriend, husband or partner undo your bra with one hand whilst you are kissing?' which attracted a handful of answers. The last word goes to the girl who answered "My husband can't but my boyfriend can" - rofl.

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