Sunday, December 2, 2007

Birthday Treat - Sarah goes to Seville

Wed 28 Nov. was my RL birthday . "I've a real surprise for you - I'm taking you for a meal" - hmm, I thought - how is that a surprise - we always go for a meal.

Opened the card - wow - it was a surprise - a meal in Seville - with flights and 5 star accommodation - leaving next day, Thursday. Excited, couldn't sleep.

When the house was quiet, I thought I'd log into SL for a bit of fun. My friend 'R' IM'd me straightaway - 'come over to the club, a few of us are dancing to some great music' and she sent a TP.

I don't think I told her it was my birthday but she gave me the best present anyway. After dancing a bit with the club dances - this club has some of the sexiest dances that really show off my flexi skirt - 'mmm' she said, 'lets set their tongues wagging with a slow dance' - well it wasn't their tongues that were soon wagging! 'Take me home with you' she whispered after the temperature was rising. I TP'd her to my cosy little room and boy was it hot - mmm. After a while having exhausted all the bed menu options (wink) when we got to that crucial moment when we both only had one hand available to type, my fingers stopped being able to spell anything more than 3 letters like omg, ooh, mmm - SL crashed on me or maybe it was my graphics card that couldn't take the heat! Panting, I looked at the time - it was 4:30 am in the morning - gosh where had the time gone.

Later in the day I left for the airport taking care to pack just hand luggage and making sure I complied with the new security rules like having my toiletries on display in a see thru plastic bag. The security man pulled out my deodorant spray - sorry luv - this is too big - its 125 ml and the limit is 100 ml. But is only half full I argued - no dice - straight in the bin - 'hmm - I think we'll have a closer look at the rest of your case' - pervert, I could see him getting off on rummaging through my panties giving the crotch that particular forefinger and thumb attention.

An uneventful flight, took a cab and got to the hotel. Here's a picture of it. Great 5 star value - £60 ($120) room and breakfast for two if you know the right website to book thru (IM me if you want details).

Here's the web link: - check the gallery for a picture of a bedroom like ours.

After the cold and rain in London, Seville was lovely and warm and sunny and it was great to wear summer clothes again.

After 2.00 pm all the shops close for siesta and it seemed everyone congregated in this one square for beer and chips.

As you can see from this picture it was very crowded and I was right in the middle of it and in the jostling some people got very close up and personal - mmm I wanted to stay longer but my friend pulled me away.

We escaped into an area called Santa Cruz full of tiny alleyways and Tapas bars. If you want a recommendation, eat where I did in Lope de Rueda - 4 tapas bowls and a glass of wine for 9.10 euros. Food was great but the waiter a bit of a letch, couldn't keep his eyes looking up my legs.

It was here while eating that I got a strange sms message on my cell/mobile phone. It was from Tina, a new dishy girl in our house that I hadn't really got to know yet. It was just 5 words but it left me speechless. In fact breathless. My heart was pounding and I was starting to get all hot with vivid images flooding my mind. 'Whats the matter - you look like you seen a ghost' my friend said. I just stared at the little screen on my phone for ages not letting anyone else see it.

When I calmed down, I phoned home to Tina to find out what was happening. Turns out that she came home and found my cat outside the back door completely drenched from the rain. Someone let her out earlier in the day and the poor little thing just sat there all day long getting soaked until someone let her in. So what was the message that got me all worked up - it was 'wet pussy waiting for you'!

After that episode, we went to look at the famous and ancient royal palace where Christopher Columbus planned his voyages. The gardens were magnificent and I was particularly amused by some tall bushes - I wonder why - hehe (1st picture). Here are a couple more pictures I took.

Well we walked a lot, went in the cathedral (apparently it's the largest in the world), shopped a lot, ate really well and took some wine back to the room. Next morning after showering we took some breakfast and headed out to the airport to come home.

There was some anxiety was when the pilot announced that there was a delay because the wings were frozen and men with de-icing spray climbed up and squirted on the wings.

Eventually, we took off and I settled down to read my book - 'The Ladykiller' by Martina Cole. To be honest I found it a bit boring until page 176 when it started getting a bit juicy. mmm - double click on the pic if you want to read it.

I was picturing the scene in my mind and elsewhere - then bang - turbulence. I couldn't help it, I grabbed my friend and the guy next to me (lol he pretend to be asleep but a little something gave the game away ;) It was turbulent almost all the way home so I couldn't read or concentrate on my book.

I thought just typical, just like my night with 'R' when the computer crashed. Technology created by males just lets you down at the crucial moments.

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