Monday, January 28, 2008

Slave Sarah Gets Punished

As many of you will know, I am a business partner of Mistress Leah in Second Life but I am also her slave. Together we are building a very successful club in Second Life called the BDSM Theatre Club which aims to educate the SL residents about the delights of BDSM through plays staged by avatars.

We have also started a Slave 'adoption' agency where Masters, Mistresses and Slaves can find their perfect match.

In Second Life, when you own some land you can determine the rights of users of that land including whether they are allowed to leave objects lying around. While doing some maintenance work yesterday, I spotted what I thought was a rogue object - these take up resources and there is an option to automatically return objects that shouldn't be there.

I engaged that option and not only did the rogue object vanish, but so did half the club! Walls, vendors, rugs, dance pads - all manner of things. Needless to say that Mistress Leah was not pleased and as well as being tasked with repairing the damage, making some signs and dancing naked for a week on the poles, I was also given a 1000 word essay to write on why I thought I was getting off lightly. I was told it must be exactly 1000 words, not a word more or less.

For your education and entertainment, I copy the essay below which I handed in within the allotted time. I have not heard yet whether the essay has been accepted as satisfactory. Here is my essay:

"Why I think I am getting off lightly"

The definition of ‘getting off lightly’ from is ‘to escape or be allowed to go without severe punishment’. As the question in the title assumes that the punishment was light, I am grateful to Mistress Leah for handing out what she considers to be a light punishment.

If a person was not confident with writing a long essay that had to be exactly 1000 words and with correct grammar and punctuation, and I assume correct spelling as well, then it would indeed be quite a heavy punishment.

Looking at the question again, it does not actually mention the word punishment and this has caused me to consider other interpretations.

Recently, I acquired from a freebie store in Second Life, an object called a Flight Band. This Flight Band enables me to fly much higher than the normal 200 metres; in fact I have flown up to 700 metres.

When I press the Page Up key or the Fly button, I find that I get off very lightly from the ground. I then find that even without using any keys I continue to float upwards to the sky.

This is sometimes a problem because I end up going much higher than I want to go. So then I have to keep pressing the Page Down key to get back down to where I want to be. If I take the flight band off, I will crash to the ground, so I have to be nimble with the keyboard.

However it is a useful item to have when one wants to go exploring as there are many interesting structures that are situated very high up.

In looking for inspiration from other writers who have written about getting off lightly, my attention was drawn to two books offered for sale on that promise to be a light read.

The titles are "Getting Off: Pornography and the End of Masculinity" by Robert Jensen and "Getting Off: A Woman's Guide to Masturbation" by Jamye Waxman.

As I write this essay, I am now thinking very differently about ‘getting off lightly’ and I am reminded of some very ‘interesting’ things that have happened to me in Second Life. I am sure my Mistress, and Sisters who Mistress may permit to read this essay, would be very interested as well to learn about these events in my SL life and might even spend some time thinking about when they get off lightly as well. However, this essay was meant to be a punishment and therefore I will deny myself the pleasure of recounting these events.

Yet another way to think about the title is to consider why I did actually get off lightly with punishment for the problem that I caused when I set the land to auto-return the objects left by who I thought were unauthorised people.

I think it was because it was a genuine mistake. I did not know that the strange looking tip jar that took up 25 of our valuable prims was permitted to be there.

I was concerned that people were placing objects in our club that should not have been there and only today I had to deal with a Chat Spy object that was left on another land that I had an interest in.

When I set the land to auto-return after one minute, the first I became aware that there was a problem was when I saw nine objects of my own get returned to my inventory. I realised that I must have placed them when I had the wrong group tag on and went about placing these things back in my room.

I then noticed a few walls from the club had disappeared and realised that Mistress Leah must have made the same error as me in placing objects down without the correct tag.

As I walked around the club, I saw the extent of the devastation I had caused. Not only were some walls missing but so were many of the freebie vendors and adboards. Strangely, the pony park teleporter vanished but not the one for the sex room. Also, the dance camping pads disappeared as did all of Sister Charli’s objects – I am so sorry sis.

Second Life does something odd when it returns a lot of products to your inventory. It picks out a random object name and then puts all the returned objects under that name. When you think you are just rezzing one object, suddenly lots of objects appear in the relative position that they were in originally and if you are not standing in exactly the same position, they end up all over the place.

Second Life calls this process ‘Coalescing’ and they introduced this process to save the data load on their servers because everybody was returning lots of inventory to others. It is well documented in the Second Life Wiki pages.

There has been quite a lot of discussion about it in the forums and an Amanda Ascot suggested ‘either disable coalescing of objects on a “return” altogether, or make it possible to “disaggregate” a coalesced object while it’s still in inventory’. This would seem to be a very good idea and would have saved us a lot of trouble when trying to put things back properly in the club.

I hope this essay about getting off lightly has been both entertaining and informative. It has been informative about coalescing and about what happens when we place objects down when we are wearing the wrong tag even though we are permitted through our group membership to place objects in the first place. I have also learnt not to make assumptions and to wait for Mistress to inform me of the situation before jumping the gun.

I hope it has been entertaining by the different ways one can look a question and find different answers to suggest.

Thank you Mistress for this punishment and the opportunity to explore this subject.

So there you have it, that is one part of my punishment completed - if you want to see me dance naked on the poles, then you will need to join Second Life.

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