Tuesday, December 25, 2007

All I want for Christmas is 'R'

On this Christmas Day, the letter 'R' was constantly in my mind - why?.

Here are some definitions of 'R' from dictionary.com to give you a clue.

1. Chemistry. radical.

You are definitely free and radical.

2. Mathematics. ratio.

A relationship between two quantities - do we have an immeasurable relationship or what!

3. Clothing. regular: a suit or coat size.

We regularly rip each others clothes off

4. Electricity. resistance.

I just can't resist you

5. Cinema. restricted rating

Maybe even a X classification

6. Theater. stage right.

What a show we put on, entering right or left

7. Physics. roentgen.

A new form of radiation. You make me glow all over.

8. Chess. rook.

My chess champion knows all the moves

But mainly for me on this Christmas Day I'm thinking of my 'R' far away on a hot Spanish beach.