Friday, December 14, 2007

Sarah's Energy Fix

'So how do you have so much energy' my close friend asked.

So I decided to share my secret with all my friends.

Breakfast to set you up for the day.

All natural, low calories, filling till lunchtime, provides slow release energy, low GI score, full of anti oxidents, suitable for diabetics, lowers blood pressure - and it tastes great.

One weatabix

A portion of Omega seed mix (from Julian Graves stores)

Quite a few spoons of natural yogurt - enough that when you crunch up the weetabix and mix in the seeds the mixture is not too dry or runny. Best yogurt is Tesco natural bio yogurt or Sainsbury low fat natural yogurt

A few teaspoons of ground cinnamon

Mix it all together then add:
few spoons of blueberries
few spoons of fresh pomegranate seeds (ready to eat from Sainsbury)
few spoons of soya nuts - gives the mixture some crunch (from Tesco)

A delicious meal that you look forward to getting up for!

Here are the health benefits of each:-
WEATABIX - low fat, low sugar, high fibre

OEMEGA SEED MIX :pumpkin seeds (carbohydates, amino acids, unsaturated fat plus vitamins and minerals)sunflower seeds (vitamin E reduces heart disease, antioxidents)linseed (good for quality of hair nails and skin and claimed regualate bodyweight, lower cholestrol and blood pressure and prevent arthritis)sesame seeds (oldest known condiment - good source of manganese and copper and other minerals - cholestrol lowering properties and protects liver from oxidative damage)

YOGHURT: rich in potassium, calcium, protein and B vitamins - stabilises and strenthens immune system. maximises nutrients that can be absorbed into the body. Live cultures convert lactose into lactic acid which helps digest milk products. Reduces instances of vaginal and bladder infections

GROUND CINNAMON - gives sweetness and has good health benefits (anti-clotting, anti-microbial actions, blood sugar control, calcium and fibre protect against heart disease, improves colon health and just smelling it apprently boosts brain function). Cinnamon is one of the oldest spices known and has history in ancient egyptian and chinese medicine

BLUEBERRIES: full of flavour, low in calories, top fruit for anti-oxidents and rated highest in capability to destroy free radicals which can affect cells and tissue. Improves support structure for veins and entire vascular system

POMEGRANATE: one of the oldest cultivated fruits first found in ancient Persia. Claimed to have anti-aging properties by slowing skin wrinkling and prevention of heart disease. Rich in vitamin C and folic acid.

SOYA NUTS (roasted soya beans). part of chinese diet for over 4000 years. high quality protein, low in saturated fats and is cholestrol free. Has high concentrations of compounds shown to have demonstrated anti-carcinogenic activity. Low menopausal symptoms amoung Japanese women attributed to high consumption of soya.

Enjoy :)

Sarah Glenelg (copyright 2007)

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