Friday, December 14, 2007

Sarah's Limerick

Wikipedia: A limerick is a five-line poem with a strict form, originally popularized in English by Edward Lear. Limericks are frequently witty or humorous, and sometimes obscene with humorous intent. It's origin is believed to be associated with the city of Limerick in Ireland.

Here is an example:

There once was a girl from Whick
Who said to her Mum "What's a dick?"
She said "My dear Annie,
It goes up your fanny
And jumps up and down till it's sick".


Ryanair, the cheap Irish airline was offering free tickets on the internet. Not believing it, I checked it out and it was almost true - some flights were available for just £0.01 (2 cents) including all taxes and charges. Inspired by the Limerick, we (four of us) decided to fly from London to Shannon (nearest airport to Limerick).

Having to catch an early flight, went to bed early the night before mainly because Second Life was down, which is just as well since me and "R" would've been up and at it till the early hours (made up for it yesterday though - winks).

At 02.30 am suddenly awoken by a police helicopter hoving directly above. I was so angry - why couldn't they come at 05.00 am which was when my alarm was set for - lol.

There are no seat reservations on Ryanair - you have to make a dash to get the seat you want, which for me in the middle emergency seats so I can lie back and stretch my legs out. The plane was quite empty - hmm, wonder why?

After we arrived, between us we hired a car and stopped off first at Dromoland Castle for a snack.

This castle was made famous by President Bush in June 2004 who posed in his underwear there.

The castle was built in 1543 and the staff still wear traditional clothing.

Next stop was Limerick. Quite a dismal day weatherwise - heres a shot of one of the main shopping streets.

Sparks flew though when we spotted these guys - they were doing some welding.

Highlight of the day was seeing these little kids come out from the church after having done their nativity play.

Next stop was to look at the famous Treaty Stone dating back to 1691 upon which a very significant document was signed between the Jacobites and the supporters of William of Orange. Unfortunately, as you can see it was closed for Christmas.

At the end of the day, we went into a traditional Irish pub and had some Irish Stew and warmed our bits up in front of the log fire. We then caught the 8.00 pm flight home.

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