Sunday, December 16, 2007


Surprisingly there was a time when I was bored in Second Life.

When I was bored I was glad to have 'Registrator Tron' which took me to random places in SL. I got to see some quite amazing places that ordinarily I would never have traveled to (and some pretty boring places too). You can get 'Registrator Tron' free from within SL.

I also met some very interesting people along the way.

On one visit I ended up at a slave auction. Actually it had just finished and I ended up talking to a slave that had failed to reach her reserve price and was left hanging about.

I wanted to know why one would put themselves forward for such an activity when SL has so much to offer. Just then her Mistress came over and the slave immediately deferred to her and said I wanted to find out more about this subject. 'Try it' she said - 'you can always stop it if you don't like it' and she offered an invitation to join her.

'Hmm' I said. An immediate Yes or No decision was required. First thought was absolutely 'No'. I considered it a fraction longer and it was still not 'Yes', but then I thought 'Po', the alternative to Yes and No.

So I Po'd it. Actually it turned out to be a most rewarding experience mainly because of the person I hooked up with. I was taught building skills and went on to open my own successful furniture store. I was taught some fundamentals of marketing in SL. I built some deep rewarding relationships that have gone beyond SL and made many friends that have remained so for about a year.

Am I recommending slaving per se - 'no'. What I am recommending is to look at things differently.

For more information see:

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